challenge hurricane recumbent-bicycles

Evolution of the Recumbent

Just think – if it wasn’t for the brouhaha caused by the banning of the recumbent bicycle by the UCI in 1934, then we might ALL be riding them!

motivational mountain bike tours amsterdam

Motivational Mountain Bike Tours – Amsterdam

Motivational Mountain Bike Tours – Amsterdam
This is the original Motivational Mountain Bike Tour … It takes you places the locals go and will uplift you with fun and happy people.

We give you an intro into positive-attitude development. We go over the basics of how to get ahead in your career, job search or new business using positive actions and attitudes to get ahead of the game.
We talk around the group to see what your goals are and how YOU can you tune your attitude to determine your altitude.

edoardo bianchi bicycle manufacturer

Bianchi Bicycles – The Oldest Bicycle Manufacturer

Bianchi Bicycles – The Oldest Bicycle Manufacturer
Edoardo Bianchi began manufacturing bicycles, at age 21, in 1885.

biking around the turkey

Having the best time biking around Turkey

Having the best time biking around Turkey
Turkey is as good as any other location in the world when it comes to biking. Most of the region is hilly which makes riding more adventurous and challenging while the coastal line is more tempting for the touring cyclists. A beautiful landscape, wonderful people and delicious Turkish food is what that makes your biking experience memorable. To have best experience biking around in Turkey, it is important that you keep in your mind following few suggestions.

riccione cycling tour italy

Riccione Cycling Tour (Italy) – Discover The Joy of Riding The Adriatic Coast

One of my favorite cycling experiences in Europe was a week spent cruising the hills around Riccione, Italy. Riccione is located on the Adriatic Sea, 80 miles south of Venice. The hills around the area offer great cycling on well paved roads. Motorists are especially bike friendly.

why plan a self-guided bike tour to italy

Why Plan a Self Guided Bike tour to Italy

Why Plan a Self Guided Bike tour to Italy
Italy is a country of cyclists. Planning a self guided bike tour to travel through Italy is an amazing idea. Self guided bike tour are significantly affordable in comparison to guided bike tours. They let you redirect your funds in areas of your priority. If your passion for food and travelling, but you are low on budget, you can economically plan a self guided bike tour to Italy. If museums and galleries are your love in life, Italy has plenty to offer. The bottom line is you can spend entirely based on your priorities.

jim felt bikes

Felt Bicycles Promotional DVD

Jim Felt states his mission is to design, develop, and deliver the best bicycles in the world. This video explains the Felt manufacturing process.