Entries by Bicycle and Bikes

Why Plan a Self Guided Bike tour to Italy

Why Plan a Self Guided Bike tour to Italy
Italy is a country of cyclists. Planning a self guided bike tour to travel through Italy is an amazing idea. Self guided bike tour are significantly affordable in comparison to guided bike tours. They let you redirect your funds in areas of your priority. If your passion for food and travelling, but you are low on budget, you can economically plan a self guided bike tour to Italy. If museums and galleries are your love in life, Italy has plenty to offer. The bottom line is you can spend entirely based on your priorities.

The Stationary Exercise Bikes Challenge

The Stationary Exercise Bikes Challenge
OK Ladies and Gents, get ready to mount your exercise bicycles.
This is the part of the proceedings when we put you through your paces …

It’s time to DE-JELLY those bellies.

It’s time to take the THUNDER out of those thighs.

It’s time for …
The Great Electric Schwinn Exercise Bike Race.

Vermont Bicycle Tour Named World’s Best by Frommer’s

Vermont Bicycle Tour Named World’s Best by Frommer’s
Sojourn’s Vermont Bicycle Tours hold the distinction of having being named one of the World’s Ten Best Bicycle Tours by Frommer’s, the respected travel experts.

Vermont-based Sojourn offers trips through the Lake Champlain Valley with daily mileage options ranging from 35-65 miles. Lodging choices include classic country and lakeside inns and Trapp Family Lodge.

The trips are guided and supported by a van and trailer carrying your luggage as well as snacks and refreshments. Trips are five nights long and lodging and most meals are included.