BMX Vert

Events & Championshiops

Vert Event Competitions

MX Vert events are thrilling showcases of riders defying gravity, soaring high into the air, and performing jaw-dropping tricks on towering vertical ramps.

These captivating competitions combine skill, style, and a touch of fearlessness as riders push the limits of what’s possible on their bikes.

In BMX Vert events, riders take on the challenge of vertical ramps that reach towering heights.

These ramps provide the canvas for riders to unleash their creativity and technical prowess, executing a stunning array of tricks and flips that seem to defy the laws of physics.

With ramps designed specifically for catching air and generating speed, riders launch themselves into the sky, performing spins, rotations, and combinations that leave spectators in awe.

The vert aspect of these events adds an extra level of difficulty and spectacle.

Riders face the challenge of gaining enough speed and height to execute their tricks, requiring a perfect balance of power, control, and finesse.

The ramps demand precise timing and a mastery of bike handling as riders navigate the steep transitions and make split-second adjustments mid-air.

BMX Vert events feature competitions that highlight the best riders in the world, showcasing their mastery of aerial maneuvers and their ability to captivate audiences with their thrilling performances.

These events serve as stages for riders to push their limits, set new standards, and contribute to the progression of the sport.

Major BMX Vert Events

X Games Vert

X Games is a premier action sports event that features a BMX Vert competition.

It brings together top riders from around the world who showcase their skills on massive ramps, performing incredible tricks and vying for X Games gold.

FISE World Series Vert

The FISE World Series includes a BMX Vert competition as one of its major disciplines.

This global series travels to different countries, attracting top riders who push the boundaries of what’s possible in vert riding and battle for series titles.

Dew Tour Park

The Dew Tour is a multi-sport event that includes a BMX Vert competition among its disciplines.

Top BMX riders showcase their skills on the Dew Tour’s innovative vert ramps, executing high-flying tricks and battling for Dew Tour titles.

Vans BMX Pro Cup – Vert Category

The Vans BMX Pro Cup is a series of park competitions that also includes a vert category.

This global series features riders who excel in both park and vert disciplines, providing an exciting platform for showcasing their versatility and aerial abilities.

UCI BMX Freestyle Park World Cup – Vert Category

The UCI BMX Freestyle Park World Cup includes a vert category that features world-class riders competing in vert events around the globe.

Riders accumulate points throughout the series, aiming for overall rankings and the coveted World Cup titles.

FISE Montpellier- BMX Vert

FISE Montpellier, one of the largest action sports festivals in Europe, includes a BMX Vert competition.

This renowned event attracts top vert riders who showcase their skills on a custom-built ramp setup, dazzling the crowd with their impressive aerial displays.

UCI Urban Cycling World Championships

The UCI Urban Cycling World Championships is a multi-discipline event that includes BMX Freestyle Park as one of its categories.

This prestigious competition brings together the world’s best riders who perform jaw-dropping tricks on challenging park setups, aiming for the coveted world championship titles.

Nitro World Games Vert

The Nitro World Games is an innovative action sports event that features a BMX Vert competition.

This high-profile event pushes the limits of what’s possible in vert riding, attracting elite riders who execute mind-blowing tricks and compete for prestigious Nitro World Games titles.

Toyota BMX Triple Challenge – Vert

The Toyota BMX Triple Challenge is a series of competitions that includes a vert category.

These events feature talented riders taking on massive vert ramps, delivering awe-inspiring tricks and battling for top honors.